You might have read several articles and blogs about the misconceptions surrounding gas furnaces and other heating systems. But not many have described the facts about this unique heating system. It is important to know them so that the right decision can be made. You can visit indoor comfort heating and cooling contractors to learn if the information is fact or fiction.
Indoor Comfort Heating and Cooling Companies Explaining Furnace Facts
You might know plenty about gas furnaces, like their types, functioning, and components. Still, clients should know other important information before purchasing or hiring companies for installation. You might be familiar with some of the facts mentioned below, but a few could be new.
Furnaces are the Most Installed Part of the HVAC System
Most homes in the US have gas furnaces installed to warm the rooms. The furnace uses air ducts to send warm air to the rooms. The vents are in ceilings, walls, and floors, which can be the best strategy for warming the house. The gas furnace can use different energy sources, including electricity, oil, natural gas, and a combination of several sources.
Gas Furnaces are an Ancient Invention
It might come to you as a surprise that a gas furnace is one of many devices that have been used for thousands of years. Romans first used the gas furnace in 1200 BC, and It was known as the “hypocaust.” This device pumped warm air into the building through a system inside the floor and walls. Again, thirteenth hundred years ago, Cistercian priests utilized gas furnaces to warm the stream water to provide heating to their monasteries.
A Good Way to Defrost the Pipes
When the temperature reaches below freezing point, the water pipes might freeze, causing water blockage. Hot water will run through the lines, preventing them from freezing. You should understand that it will take time for the pipes to defrost if they have been frozen for quite some time.
The Humidity Effects the Indoor Temperature
If the humidity is at a low level, then you might feel colder than the indicated temperature. You could feel a warmer temperature if the humidity level in the property is increased. So, according to cool comfort solutions experts, maintaining a good humidity level will affect the working of the gas furnace.
Three Parts of the Gas Furnace
A gas furnace consists of fittings, a ventilation system, and air filters. But the furnace contains three important parts:
1. A gas furnace contains a burner or an electric heater with a heating element used to create heat.
2. The heat exchanger isolates burning gas from breathable air.
3. The blower sends the heated air in the house through the air duct system.
Gas Furnaces Have a Long Lifespan
When you hire HVAC contractors like Indoor Comfort Solutions for gas furnace installation, the experts will explain that a gas furnace will have a lifespan between fifteen to twenty-five years. This lifespan is longer than other heating systems.
The Government Manages Gas Furnace Installation
The reason for gas furnace management by the federal and local governments is that improper installation and maintenance might cause accidents. The equipment, tools, and gas furnace should be government-approved and the contractors certified.
Different Types of Gas Furnaces
When searching for which gas furnace type will be the best for your property, you might come across five gas furnaces.
1. A gas furnace is also equipped with an air conditioner.
2. The gas furnace is lying flat or placed horizontally.
3. Upflow Gas Furnace in which the airflow travels from the bottom to the top.
4. The air flows from the top to the bottom in the Downflow gas furnace.
5. Lowboy gas furnace is designed to be installed in smaller spaces.
Keep the Area Around the Gas Furnace Empty
It is a common practice to install heating units, especially the gas furnace in the basement. When it is off-season, like summer, people store items there. This could be a bad idea because you might want to turn the furnace in an emergency. Things could get in the way, and the items around the furnace could catch fire. So, it has been recommended by air conditioning installation experts in Atlanta to designate a separate room for the gas furnace or the things.
Hire Cool Comfort Solutions for Maintenance Service
It is a common belief that the gas furnace requires little to no maintenance. When you contact an HVAC contractor for installation, experts suggest you hire indoor comfort heating and cooling maintenance services. Hiring maintenance services will increase the lifespan, boost efficiency, and improve people’s health in the building.
These are some facts related to gas furnaces that clients should know.
Below are three important questions about gas furnaces.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a gas furnace last?
Indoor comfort heating and cooling contractors will inform you that the gas furnace has a lifespan of up to twenty-five years.
What is the purpose of a gas furnace?
A gas furnace has the main purpose of distributing hot air throughout the building.
Is gas furnace cheaper to run than electric?
An electric furnace will cost you more because the price of burning fuel to generate electricity is higher than using gas.
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